Adaptación al cambio climático de zonas urbanas costeras con elevada densidad de población e interés turístico y cultural en España el caso del lobo

Luís Campos Rodrigues
Ignasi Puig Ventosa

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2016
Pages: 9-27
This paper focuses on the assessment of the impact and adaptation of climate change in urban coastal areas with high population density and touristic and cultural relevance in Spain. It includes three different analyses with the following main results. First, an evaluation of the exposure of protected cultural assets of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to coastal floods showed a higher exposure of the Castillo de Sant Cristóbal and the neighbourhoods of Triana and Vegueta. Second, the estimation of travel costs of visitants and/or tourists, considering the scenario of beach retreat in the municipality and province of A Coruña, indicated a potential significant loss in the capacity of beaches to support recreational activities. Travel cost estimates ranged from 39.47 to 89.53 euros per two-way trip to more distant available beaches. Third, the analysis of the potential accommodation space for beaches retreating with climate change in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona showed that the loss in beach area and recreational value will hardly be recovered without the development of other adaptation measures. In addition, the study concludes that the high concentration of urban and semi-urban areas in the Spanish coast contributes for a significant socio-economic vulnerability and restricts the possibility of beach adaptation.

Article Details

Cambio climático; Adaptación; España; Turismo; Playas; Bienes culturales protegidos