La semana santa de Lorca (región de Murcia, España) como recurso turístico el caso del lobo

Daniel Moreno Muñoz

Main Article Content

Published: Dec 30, 2016
Pages: 75-85
The main hallmark of Lorca is his original Holy Week,most important religious-cultural act of the locality, which every year attracts thousands of people arriving from different parts of the planet. In this event take place the well-known Desfiles Bíblico-Pasionales that arouse great interest between people from Lorca and visitors. They show the embroidery of robes and tunics, banners or flags, an ancestral technique transmitted from generation to generation, today, together with all the cultural fabric of Holy Week, as an intangible heritage worthy of being put at value at the level world.

Article Details

Semana Santa, Turismo Cultural, Patrimonio Inmaterial, Lorca