Redefining strategies for consolidated destinations proposals for literary tourism

Montserrat Crespi-Vallbona

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Published: dic. 30, 2023
Pages: 35-52

Consolidated tourist destinations are those that have achieved a major influx of visitors and that have been particularly successful in financial terms. However, they risk sliding into stagnation and decline if they are not governed in a manner that ensures their sustainability. Therefore, urban designers and planners seek to boost a destination’s position by diversifying and enhancing its attractions, as well as the quality of the experiences offered, while also fostering local participation. This coincides with the two main goals of the Barcelona DMO (Destination Management Organization), which are to redistribute tourism flows and income throughout the city and also to seek and develop new icons and motivations for both travellers and local residents alike. In this context of a boom in both tourism supply and demand, literary tourism is being proposed as a new trend and niche that can offer new options and itineraries.

Article Details

literary tourism, aesthetization, hyperconsumer society, long tail theory, sustainability, Barcelona

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