Destination brand and expectations Attachments and detachments of academic tourism

Montserrat Crespi-Vallbona
Ester Noguer-Juncà
Lluis Coromina Soler

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2023
Pages: 77-89

The aim of this research is to analyze the emotional bonds that academic tourists develop with the destination during their training stay, an issue that scarcely studied in the academic literature that has focused on the study of the motivations of these tourists. Methodologically, this research focuses on the social learning and exchange theories, as well as the life cycle of professional expatriates of multinational enterprises and uses a qualitative research based on a focus group with international university students in Barcelona. This research demonstrates the existence of an attachment and detachment cycle with the destination, based on distinct phases: enchantment, coexistence, fatigue and nostalgia.

Article Details

cultural exchange, guest impact, expectation, attachment and detachment cycle, academic tourism, Barcelona

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