Alternativas al turismo de sol y playa en el Mazarrón (Murcia)

Daniel Moreno Muñoz

Main Article Content

Published: Sep 30, 2014
Pages: 113-127
Mazarron is one of the main tourist destinations in the Region of Murcia. However, the current tourism model based on
tourism of sun and beach has a large seasonality, mainly concentrated in the summer months. In this article some alternatives to sun and
beach tourism are presented with the aim of complementing the tourist offer of the town and, in turn, attract tourists throughout the year
in order to create new jobs, and consolidate Mazarron as one of the main tourist destinations in the Region of Murcia, making it known
in the national scene.

Article Details

Mazarrón, Mazarrón, turismo alternativo, turismo alternativo, turismo de sol y playa, turismo de sol y playa
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