Turismo sostenible y responsable análisis del panorama normativo y convencional internacional bajo los criterios de la ética y la responsabilidad social de las organizaciones (RSO)

Fernando Navarro García

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2017
Pages: 9-31
Tourism is a fundamental sector of the world economy, especially with regard to international trade os services. For this reason, tourism management impacts not only the conditions of the destinations but also in to the host communities and in the future of the ecosystems and regions of those countries involved in to the tourist activities. Tourism affect others without them paying for the morbeing compensated. In other words, and using economic terminology, tourism management produces externalities that can be positive or negative. With the aim of having a positive contribution of tourism to sustainable development, it must be managed with criteria of social responsibility (SR). Since the late eighties of the last Century, and especially after the Rio Conference in 1992, a widerange of international organizations and scholars from many countries have been working to reach agreements, rules and conventions and also to specify tangible indicators adapted to the specific needs of sustainable tourism management (UNWTO, 2005: 12). In the follow ing article we will analyze the link between the ethics of organizations and their social responsibility and sustainable tourism and finally we will review the varied normative and convention all and scape which are a reference and guide lines for the implementation of specific policies of social responsible and sustainable tourism.

Article Details

OMT, turismo sostenible, turismo responsable, ODS, ONU, RSC, RSE, RSO, Pacto Mundial, Ética de los negocios, informe Brundtland, indicadores