Hacia la responsabilidad integrada del turismo a través de la responsabilidad social empresarial propuesta de un modelo de medición a partir del modelo VBA

José Carlos Méndez
Lito García Abad

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2017
Pages: 57-69
The importance of the services sector in the Western economies, especially tourism, its multisectoral and convergent character of multiple economic subsectors, as well as the set of externalities that it provokes, speaks of the need to implement in the direction of its main actors, tourism companies, those business practices where Social Responsibility is part of the hard core of the criteria for decision making by its managers. The CSR allows an adequate management of the socioeconomic, labor and environmental variables present in any business activity, as well as the orderly attention to the requirements of the interest groups that influence and are influenced by it. This article reviews the existing theoretical proposals, the interrelations between CSR policies and the success in the management of organizations, but also in the failures detected in them, and therefore. the results demonstrated over the years, which point to the need to consolidate CSR as part of the management of any tourism company.

Article Details

Responsabilidad Social, turismo, gestión