Responsabilidad social en cooperativas de turismo propuesta de un modelo de medición a partir del modelo VBA

Adriano Stadler
Elaine Cristina Arantes
Zélia Halicki
Gabriella Halicki Safraiter

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2017
Pages: 125-147
This study aims to reflecton how social responsibility (SR) manifests itself in tourism cooperatives through the VBA model of Schwartz and Carroll (2008). Specifically its objectives are: identifying the peculiarities and specific demands of the cooperative sector versus the management of corporate social responsibility (CSR); carrying out a bibliometric study based on tourism, cooperativism and social responsibility issues; and proposing a measurement modelaimed at tourism cooperatives based both on the basic principles of cooperativism (ACI, 1995) and the dimensions of SR proposed by the VBA model. The VBA model has three dimensions: value; balance among the interests of thes take holders; and transparency in the rendering of accounts. Thes even principles of cooperativism proposed by the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA, 1995) and considered in this study are: voluntary and open association; democratic control of the members; economic participation; autonomy and independence; education, training and information; cooperation among cooperatives; and concern for the community. The bibliometric research based on the Methodi Ordinatio presented the publication, in there searched bases, of 17 articles with the following axes: tourism; social responsibility; and cooperativism. However, after analyzing the results, none of them addressed the principles of cooperativism and the VBA model. Thus, this study presents as a proposal to understand the relationship between the dimensions of SR proposed by Schwartz and Carroll (2008) and the principles of cooperativism (ACI, 1995) through the constitution of a measure ment scale.

Article Details

Turismo, responsabilidad social, cooperativismo, modelo VBA