Turismo comunitario y responsabilidad social en Santa Elena un modelo para armar

Lupe Cecilia García Espinoza
Myriam Yolanda Sarabia Molina
Arnaldo Efrén Mendoza Tarabí

Main Article Content

Published: dic. 30, 2017
Pages: 171-187
Community Tourism appears in Ecuador in the eighties and reaches levels of organization that come to be part of the strategy of local development and development of territories and communities (Ruiz, et.al., 2008). In the context of the crisis of the Ecuadorian economy before the adjustment policies that are applied in this decade; Grassroots organizations taking advantage of local resources undertook several income generating initiatives, which in many cases positioned tourism as an important productive activity.
The results showed that the organizational capacity of the population to manage and conduct tourism, which was identified as a good that by its characteristics of use and generation can exclude beneficiaries by reducing their availability for others (Hardin 1968; Olson 1971 and Ostrom 2000). Ostrom(2002). A local scale, collective action presents self-management models that allow for successful administration and sustainability.
In this sense, the work uses the approach of Elinor Ostrom to analyze the experiences of Community Tourism of the Communes Dos Mangas and Ayangue, identifying legal, social, institutional elements, among others; that facilitate the administration of resources in a sustainable way by private and State intervention.
The results show that the accumulated experience, the political organization and the belonging to the territory, constitute, among other factors, the explanation to the sustenance of an advanced model, in the case of the Comuna Dos Mangas; in the face of a more open one, as is the case of Ayangue, and which envisages features of unsustainability, due to a lack of consensus on property rights (Ostrom et al 1992).

Article Details

Participación Comunitaria, derechos de propiedad, bienes colectivos