Focus and Scope

The journal Estudios Turísticos, is published by Subdirección general de Conocimiento y Estudios Turísticos (SGCET) of the Instituto de Turismo de España, Turespaña, O.A., in collaboration with Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. The journal has been a reference in the field of tourism for over fifty years, and it identifies with the following objectives:

  • Foster analysis and debate on current issues in the field of tourism, with a particular emphasis on the Spanish reality. Thematic areas encompass technological, economic, competitive, regulatory, and social dimensions, both in tourism and related services.
  • Disseminate original articles, both national and international.
  • Promote tourism research conducted in Spain.

Estudios Turísticos began its journey in 1963 with the aspiration to contribute to the dissemination and development of knowledge and research in the field of tourism. It publishes original articles with the aim of disseminating studies on tourism, updated bibliography, and statistical reports, both in Spanish and English.

Two types of documents are published: monographs featuring works from a variety of perspectives (theoretical-conceptual, applied, or practical), addressing a specific topic of interest and relevance and  miscellaneous issues include works on various topics, including contributions from the Administration reporting on their activities.

Estudios Turísticos has traditionally included a section of Reviews and Bibliography, prepared by the staff of the Centro de documentación turística de España (CDTE). They consist of critical reviews of new publications received at the CDTE, or specialized bibliography included in some monographic issues. This section aims to provide readers with the opportunity to learn about the collection held at the CDTE, one of the most important ones in the field of tourism worldwide due to the quality and quantity of its holdings. For more information, please consult the CDTE website.

Starting in 2023, Estudios Turísticos adheres to international quality standards for scientific journals. The selection of works is carried out through an anonymous external evaluation procedure, with special attention given to manuscript originality. Published articles include abstracts in both Spanish and English, and their content is analyzed using keywords.

Currently, the journal is published using the specialized Open Journal System 3 platform, and articles are being identified with a DOI. Estudios Turísticos is indexed in various bibliographic databases and its dissemination is promoted through social networks, among other channels.

Editorial Principles and Ethical Commitment

Estudios Turísticos has become the oldest Spanish-language scientific publication on tourism, widespread recognition worldwide. In 2023, it will celebrate 60 years since its first edition, and to date, more than 2.000 articles have been published. It has evolved from exclusive print circulation, to embracing both print (with a circulation of 200 copies) and open online access since 2015.

The journal is edited twice a year by Subdireción General de Conocimiento y Estudios Turísticos (SGCyET) of Instituto de Turismo de España, Turespaña, O. A., in collaboration with Secretaría de Estado de Turismo, (Minsiterio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo). As an official publication, it is included in the General Catalog of Official Publications.

The edition and financing come from the Centro de Publicaciones (CP) of the Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo.

Editorial team consists of the editor-in-chief and the secretary. In addition, there is a renowned Editorial Board that contributes, among other things, to the selection of topics or articles to be published, to identify coordinators, to supervise the evaluation process, and for providing support in planning and coordinating issues.

In order to achieve excellence in the quality of the works published, the following principles are adopted:

Impartiality: The editorial team and reviewers must be impartial and objective when handling works proposed for publication. They also must respect the authors’ intellectual independence, who have the right to reply in case of negative evaluations.

Confidentiality: The editorial team and reviewers are obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the received texts and their content, until they have been accepted for publication. Only then, they can disclose the title and authorship of the articles.

Review of Works: Estudios Turísticos uses an anonymous external evaluation procedure for the selection of manuscripts. The editorial team may reject an article without evaluation, if they consider that it does not comply with formal or content rules, or if it does not fit the thematic profile of the publication. After this preliminary analysis, the manuscripts are sent to specialists in the field, who will issue a report on the scientific quality of the article within a maximum period of two months, recommending its acceptance with or without corrections, or its rejection. The evaluation result will be communicated to the authors, who will have then one month to incorporate the reviewers' suggestions, or exercise their right to reply in the event of a negative evaluation.

Manuscript Acceptance or Rejection: The editorial team is responsible for determining whether a manuscript is accepted or rejected for publication. This decision is informed by the evaluation reports received. These reports should base their judgment on the quality of the works in terms of relevance, originality, and clarity of exposition.

Publication Rules: The rules for submitting originals are publicly available on the website (, and the editorial team ensures that all contributors are familiar with them.

Conflict of Interest: The editorial team, reviewers, and authors undertake to inform the journal's management of any indication or suspicion of a conflict of interest. The journal's management will ensure that such conflicts of interest do not occur.

Originality and Plagiarism: Estudios Turísticos only accepts original works that have not been previously published or are under evaluation by another journal. Authors should not submit the same manuscript to other journals for evaluation or publication until they receive notification of rejection or withdraw it voluntarily. It is acceptable to submit works that expand or modify others already published, such as brief notes, communications, or abstracts in conference proceedings, which have been presented at seminars or workshops or published in preliminary versions as working papers. In these cases, it is necessary to appropriately cite the text or work on which it is based, and the original submission to this publication must incorporate substantive modifications to what has already been published.

The SGCET, to promote debate, dissemination, and collaboration among authors, may organize or co-organize conferences, workshops, seminars, or other events prior to the publication of monographs, from which preliminary versions of articles may result (such as brief notes, communications, working papers, etc.). In these cases, these documents must reference the event, as well as the role of SGCET and the institutions that have contributed to its organization, and, where applicable, that the document has been prepared as a preliminary version for submission to the journal for evaluation and publication. The editorial team pays special attention to the originality of the works received and insists that this aspect is also monitored in the evaluation process. In this sense, reviewers should inform the editorial team of any similarity or overlap of the manuscript with other published works.

Authorship of the Work: In the case of multiple authorship, the person responsible for the work must ensure the recognition of those who have significantly contributed to the conception, planning, design, execution, data collection, interpretation, and discussion of the work's results. In any case, all signatories share responsibility for the presented work.

Information Sources and Funding: Authors must identify and cite the original sources on which the information contained in their work is based in the bibliography. They will also indicate the sources of funding granted for the work. This information will be included in the published work.

Substantial errors in published works: When an author discovers a serious error in their work, they have an obligation to notify the journal's management as soon as possible to modify their work, withdraw it, retract it, or publish a correction or erratum. If a possible error is detected by any member of the editorial team, authors are obliged to demonstrate that their work is correct.

Digital Archive Preservation Policy

The Institute of Tourism of Spain, Turespaña, O.A., ensures the intellectual content of electronic archive documents through digital preservation methods for long periods, maintaining their attributes such as integrity, authenticity, immutability, originality, reliability, and accessibility. It also develops various processes to ensure the permanent accessibility of digital objects hosted on its own servers:

Backup copies

Monitoring of the technological environment to anticipate possible migrations of obsolete formats or software.

Digital preservation metadata. Use of DOI

The files published on this website are available in easily reproducible formats. Estudios Turísticos is part of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) network, a multi-university initiative that develops open-source (free) software and conducts research to improve the quality and scope of academic publishing. It generates a decentralized archive system distributed among collaborating libraries to create permanent archives of the journal's original content and restore it if necessary.

The digital preservation policy will be periodically reviewed by the Secretaría de Estado de Comercio.

Access to Publications

All publications are available in a dual formats: both print and electronic versions will be available. Unrestricted access to all contents of the electronic edition is provided from the moment of publication. The information to acquire a print format of Estudios Turísticos, information can be found on the subscriptions page.

Readers can register for the publication notification service through the link at the top of the homepage. Registration allows readers to receive notifications, via email, of the publication of a new edition.

 Copyright Notice

Without prejudice to the provisions of the Consolidated Text of the Intellectual Property Law, approved by Real Decreto Legislativo 1/1996, de 12 de abril, and in accordance with it, the authors exclusively assign to Turespaña, O.A., the journal's publisher, the rights of reproduction, communication, distribution, and transformation in any current or future format (paper or electronic) of works accepted for publication and accept the inclusion of their content in national and international indexes, repositories, and databases, with reference and recognition, in any case, of their authorship.

Authors must complete a Declaration of Authorship, Good Practices, and Rights Transfer.

Use and Distribution License

Unless otherwise indicated, all content in the electronic edition of Estudios Turísticos is distributed under a Creative Commons 4.0 International license. The informative version of it can be consulted at the following link: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Self-Archiving Right in Open Access

Repositories Authors of works published in Estudios Turísticos may, in any case, offer a copy of their works in institutional open access repositories and self-archiving platforms (in the final version of the author, following peer review, or in the final version of the editor) once they have been published. Specific reference should be made to their publication in Estudios Turísticos, and, where possible, a link to the published document on the journal's website ( should be provided.

Research Data Deposit

We recommend that authors deposit the research data obtained for the preparation of their article in recognized and preferably open access repositories, which must be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). In any case, the repository should be open access. If the author has deposited their research data in a repository, they must mention it in the article, providing a brief description of the type of data deposited, the name and URL of the repository, the identifier code, and the data usage and distribution license. This information should appear at the end of the article, immediately before the bibliography, under the heading "Availability of Deposited Data."

Interoperability Protocols

Estudios Turísticos provides an OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interface that allows other portals and information services to access the metadata of published content. Specifications: OAI-PMH Protocol Version 2.0 Dublin Core Metadata Harvester path: http://www.


The analyses, opinions, and conclusions presented in the articles in this publication are those of the authors. Thus, they do not necessarily represent the official opinions of Turespaña, with which they may not necessarily coincide.


Two editions are published per year, distributed among subscribers or available for individual purchase.

Information and Direct Sales

Ministerio de Industria, Comercio y Turismo. Centro de Publicaciones

C/Panamá, 1. Ground floor, office 3. 28071 MADRID Phone: 91 349 43 35 (subscriptions and sales) Email:

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