Estudios Turísticos

eISSN 3020-6723  ISSN 0423-5037

Estudios Turísticos began its journey in 1963 with the aspiration to contribute to the dissemination and development of knowledge and research in the field of tourism. It publishes original articles with the aim of disseminating studies on tourism, updated bibliography, and statistical reports, both in Spanish and English.

Currently, the journal is published using the specialized Open Journal System 3 platform, and articles are being identified with a DOI.

The journal is edited twice a year; two types of documents are published:

  • Monographs featuring works from a variety of perspectives (theoretical-conceptual, applied, or practical), addressing a specific topic of interest and relevance,
  • Miscellaneous issues include works on various topics, including contributions from the Administration reporting on their activities.



No. 227 (2024): Turismo inteligente y nuevas tecnologías. La realidad aumentada y la realidad virtual como herramientas para la promocíón del turismo

Published: jul. 1, 2024

A tourist map of the historic centre of Gijón with Augmented Reality tools

Daniel Herrera Arenas, David Olay Varillas; Alfonso Suárez Rodríguez

Spaces of high natural and scenic value as smart tourist destinations

virtual tour of the northern coast of Fuerteventura

Salvador Beato Bergua, Cristina Fernández-Bustamante, José Luis Marino Alfonso, Miguel Ángel Poblete Piedrabuena

Geoescape room

A virtual tour of Oviedo

Amalia Jimenez Morales, Juan López Sánchez, Ícaro Obeso Muñiz

Rural smart tourism destinations co-created by the local community

The case of the Spain River Valley, Villaviciosa, Asturias

José Antonio González Díaz, Silvia Fernández López, Luisa María Paz-Vázquez, Lidia Parra , Eva Castaño, Claudia Fuente García
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